Explore map explained

Enabling your Willow to localize herself at all times is a cornerstone to have a successful working Willow robot. By doing a manual exploration, you strongly improve the quality of your map. 


Explore map makes sure that your Willow will always find her way back to the docking station. 

Multiple zones

Explore map will help her maintain multi-zones. 

Digital perimeter

Explore map will enable her to use a digital perimeter.

You can make it easy for Willow to localize herself in your yard by using the Explore function.

Depending on the area size it will take about 30 minutes to 3 hours for your Willow to completely explore your yard.

How to?

Remote control panel.

You need to access the remote control panel to use the Explore functions. You can access the remote control panel via the EEVE app. In the  menu, click on the button ‘Remote Control’.

It's best practice to use the manual explore during Willow work-hours. That is, between 3 hours after sunrise and 3 hours before sunset.

Depending on the area size we recommend you to have at least a battery percentage of 50%, to make sure that you don’t run out of battery while you are exploring.

We advise you to use the joystick to manually explore your garden. But if you want you can also use the input boxes to explore with Willow (use the Switch Mode button on top of the joystick). 

Note: Don’t use ‘Start Manual Control’, your Willow should be in normal mode. To be sure it is, you can click on ‘Stop Manual Control’ in the Remote Control panel.

To manually explore your garden you must understand the Explore concept. The Explore concept is based on the principle that Willow needs to see every detail of your garden from as many angles as possible. Because she will store this information and use it later to know where she is in your garden.

You are free to drive around in your garden in any way that you want to accomplish this. However, there is one thing that you need to take in mind: overlap paths. And of course, we advise you of a standard method that we know will work for sure. But if you are creative you might find a better way that is more suitable for your garden.

Overlap path

Thing-to-keep-in-mind: overlap path. The Explore path that you will follow needs to have at least an overlap path of 9 meters. With an overlap, we mean a path that you drive over two times, in the same direction. Once in the beginning, once in the end. That overlap path needs to be at least 6 meters long, however, if possible, we advise you to have an overlapping path of at least 9 meters. Just to be sure, an overlapping path is a path where you drive with Willow 2 times over the same path. In the same direction. Once in the beginning, once in the end when you make your explore map. To increase the success rate we strongly advise you to have multiple overlap paths (see 2. standard method for more info).

Standard method

Drive around your garden (make a tour), starting from the outside and going inwards.

  • Drive around in both directions, so first clockwise and then do the same tour counterwise. So you make an overlapping path for each tour.
  • Every time you complete a tour in both directions (with an overlapping path), move 3 meters inside and make a new smaller tour.
  • Continue like this until you are in the middle of your garden and there is not enough area left to make a new tour.

The idea is that you have shown Willow almost every piece from different angles, in different directions so that she has seen every bit of your garden.

Now drive back to your charging station, stand in front of it and click ‘Go to charging station’ to auto-dock.



  1. Open the Remote Control panel via the app;
  2. Open Controls;
  3. Click on Hard Emergency;
  4. Place your Willow on the charging station;
  5. Click on ‘Release all Emergency stops’ + immediately click on ‘Manual Explore’. (make sure you do this fast because the mowing schedule could start in between if you are not fast enough);
  6. Your Willow will now drive forward for one meter, automatically;
  7. From now on you can control your Willow robot with the joystick. Use the joystick (or switch mode to use the input boxes) to drive around your garden.

Please keep in mind that you need to:

  • Show your Willow all the details of your complete garden, from as many angles as possible;
  • Have overlap paths (see above);
  • You can follow our standard method if you are not sure how to drive (see standard method);
  • Once you created an explore map, just drive back to the charging station, stand in front of it, and click ‘Go to charging station’ to auto-dock;
  • Once your Willow is docked she will go into ‘learning’ mode to create the detailed map.


Extra information about manual explore:

  1. In case you lose WiFi connection during manual explore it doesn’t need to stop there. You can go stand in front of Willow and she will follow you.
  2. Instead of using the joystick you can also walk the complete manual explore the path. Although we do advise you to use the joystick since Willow will see more details when you are not walking in the camera view.
  3. Watch out for the sun. When the sun is right in front of the camera, drive slowly, especially when making turns.
  4. Watch out for sharp turns. When you need to make a sharp turn, drive slowly.
  5. Failed manual explore. When Willow loses track, the manual explore map fails. At that point, your Willow robot will go into emergency stop.

You can:

  • Simply reset the emergency stop;
  • Take manual control (Start Manual Control);
  • Drive towards the charging station (stand in front of it);
  • Stop manual control;
  • Click on ‘Go to charging station’ to auto-dock;
  • And restart manual explore.

Enjoy exploring your garden, may the force be with you!


If you need support or have questions, please send a mail to support@eeve.com.